Tom Walsh Design - ASOS Urban Tour

Tom Walsh Design - ASOS Urban Tour

With video quickly becoming the main focus of almost every ecommerce site these days there’s a lot of it about. Some good, some not so much. ASOS’ ’Urban Tour’ interactive video by BBH, however, is definitely in the first category. It’s engaging, entertaining and (probably more importantly to them) it shows the product well. I’m not saying that because I can pause a video and watch someone dance wearing a top that I’ll end up buying it, but I wouldn’t have seen any of the products if they hadn’t made the video. The only downside to the project is that they seemed to have stopped at London. At first I thought there was going to be a different video for each city mentioned, but having checked back over the last few weeks I’m pretty sure that they’re not adding more.

To have a play you can visit the site here –

#ASOS#BBH#Interactive Video#Video

Lovely animated idents for Audi by Why Not Associates as shown on the Creative Review blog, where they explain them as –

“…a message relating to function and form which appear etched or embossed into materials used in Audi’s new Q3 model – tyre rubber, a brake disc, galvanised steel, interior leather, and plastic.”

Shown are just a selection of my favourites, but you can visit Why Not Associates Vimeo page here to see the full set.

Engine Cover Plastic 1

Tyre rubber 1

Galvanised Steel 2

Tyre rubber 2

#Audi#Typography#Why Not Associates

It seems like every step of the way Burberry have been way ahead of the rest of the fashion industry when it comes to using technologies, and more importantly, using them well. This London Fashion week they had their ‘Tweetwalk’ show, where they tweeted preview photos of every outfit before it hit the catwalk, bringing ‘Burberry’ up to the second most trended term worldwide (impressive eh!), but last April they did something a lot more visually inspiring. Their Holographic catwalk show. With models exploding into each other and randomly appearing/disappearing it was more like a fireworks display than a catwalk show.

If you’d like to see more of their events and other videos check out their YouTube channel here

Or if you’d like to read more on the thinking behind their campaigns there’s an interesting overview up on Mashable here


The second (and my favourite so far) LERNERT & SANDER short as part of a series of five films for FANTASTIC MAN. They’ve been shot in super-high definition so you see every detail in the movement, as well as the clothing, and I find them strangely hypnotic.

One will be going live each day this week, so you can check out the first two here, and pop back until Friday for a new one each morning! & SANDER

Lovely animation by Johnny Kelly depicting a farmers move from family farm to industrial meat factory, before seeing the damage he was doing and reverting back. With a soundtrack by Willie Neslon helping the whole thing tinkle along it’s nice to see something so attractive being made for a good cause –

“Both the film and the soundtrack were commissioned by Chipotle to emphasize the importance of developing a sustainable food system. Download the song now available on iTunes. Label and proceeds benefit The Chipotle Cultivate Foundation.

And if you like this, you can find more of his work here

#Animation#Johnny Kelly

‘Auto Typo’ by yordan admiral on Vimeo. Pity it’s not a little longer, I like a bit of Sub Focus!


A dark, but very engaging video piece by Mischa Rozema and British graphic designer, Si Scott for OFFF Barcelona 2011. The film guides you through their vision of the future with the artists involved in this years OFFF festival’s names embedded throughout in a range of interesting ways. Varying from neon signs looming down from oppressive cityscapes to black letter tattoos being filled in they thread all of the artists names into their story seamlessly. Below is how they describe the piece on their Vimeo –

“The idea was to trick the audience into thinking they’re watching some kind of documentary. We basically follow a guy going home. Bit by bit his environment gets stranger and more uncomfortable to watch. Is he living in a war zone? Slowly the background takes over and the piece changes into an urban nightmare. And like a nightmare, the story/edit doesn’t always make sense but makes you feel really uncomfortable. I also wanted the viewer to experience the nightmare. That’s where the dark matter comes in. Dark matter is what I call the macro shot bits. Flashes that derail your train of thought like there’s something eating away at your brain as you try to make sense of the nightmare. I wanted the viewer to go nuts, alongside with the cast. Erase the line between nightmare and reality. The end result is something you won’t come across easily on your tv. And is also just another fun way to do titles.”

You can read about the video in full here

and visit the OFFF website here

#Mischa Rozema#OFFF#Si Scott#Typography

Google Chrome 'fastball'

Google Chrome 'fastball'

Google Chrome 'fastball'

Google Chrome 'fastball'

A fun (and pretty engaging) little Flash based game for Google Chrome’s latest release celebrating it’s new integration of Flash into the browser. Produced by BBH the game guides you through various timed tests in an obstacle course to try and achieve the fastest time, all using Googles API. There’s a ‘which mode of transport is quicker between A and B’, using Google maps, as well as tests requiring tweeting and using trending information. All in all a nice way to take a few mins out from work!

Have a go here

#Advert#Google Chrome#YouTube

A nice looking music video for Dubstep duo Matta by Kim Holm. I always think it must be hard to visualise this genre of music, but
this one certainly does the track justice. With his trademark use of colour he makes something quite dark pretty nice to look at.

You can see more of Director Kim Holm’s work on his Vimeo page here

#Kim Holm#Matta#music video#Release the freq#Video
