Burberry Spring/Summer 2013 Beauty Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Spring/Summer 2013 Beauty Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Spring/Summer 2013 Beauty Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Spring/Summer 2013 Beauty Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

The Burberry Beauty experiences I designed while freelancing for them have gone live! Designed to showcase the hero image on the left hand side by keeping it fixed to the device height, while allowing different amounts of supporting content through the scrollable, flexible grid on the right it caters for product, stills and video. The flexible grid section makes it adaptable for iPad to super-wide screen, while also giving the content a structured but editorial feel.

Take a look here if you want to have a play – Burberry’s SS13 Beauty campaigns

Designed while working for: Burberry
Creative direction: Marga Arrom Bibiloni & Chester Chipperfield

#Burberry#Cara Delevingne#Edie Campbell#iPad#Responsive#tablet#Tom Walsh Design#web design

Burberry Spring Summer 2013 Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Spring Summer 2013 Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Spring Summer 2013 Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Spring Summer 2013 Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Spring Summer 2013 Campaign - Tom Walsh Design

The first Main Campaign I’ve worked on while freelancing for Burberry, their Spring Summer 2013 campaign is now live! Shot by Mario Testino, and featuring Romeo Beckham in his ad campaign debut, alongside Burberry staples Edie Campbell and Cara Delevingne, it’s a much brighter campaign than they’ve opted for in recent years. Because of this we wanted to keep the design of how the campaign would sit within Burberry.com as clean as possible, while including the necessary functionality.

The two main areas that needed to be considered were how to make this campaign more overtly shoppable, and how to display the videos that accompany some of the still shots. Following on from the Festive campaign it was decided that this would also sit inside a store page. The main addition here was adding in a sliding ‘Shop Campaign’/’Explore Campaign’ button which allows you to switch the pages focus from browsing the campaign stills and videos or browsing related product. For the video display options, to avoid duplicating content within the carousel (as each video supports an image), we decided to have a ‘watch video’ button instead which fades the image down to its accompanying video, and returns to the carousel at the end. Resulting in a much cleaner experience than an overlay or other similar options.

Overall I think the experience does what it set out to pretty well, which is allow the imagery to take precedence over the interface.

Take a look for yourself here – burberry.com

Designed while working for: Burberry
Creative direction: Marga Arrom Bibiloni & Chester Chipperfield

#Burberry#Campaign#Cara Delevingne#Edie Campbell#Fashion#iPad#Romeo Beckham#tablet#Tom Walsh Design

Alexandra Leavey - Tom Walsh Design

The updated (and much upgraded) version of fashion, advertising and editorial prop/set designer Alexandra Leavey’s site is now live. Built to work perfectly on desktop, tablet and mobile it can now be viewed wherever her clients are, and on their device of choice. Comprising of swipe, keyboard and mouse controlled navigation I built it to be as accessible as possible, while keeping the design and interface minimal so her images are the focus.

If you’re curious, you can take a look here – www.alexandraleavey.com

#Fashion#iPad#iPhone#Mobile site#Responsive#Tom Walsh Design

Tom Walsh Design - Mr Porter 'The Tux'

Tom Walsh Design - Mr Porter 'The Tux'

Tom Walsh Design - Mr Porter 'The Tux'

Just in time for the Xmas party season Mr Porter have launched their The Tux iPad app. A slick and fun app which is refreshing for both it’s innovation and playfulness, as well as being a nice change from ‘Here come the girls’ style female targeted campaigns, that will inevitably start appearing on (saturating) our screens soon. The main high points of this app are the interactive elements, which makes it slightly more difficult to write about, but I’ll give it a shot…

My two favourite elements of this app, which were what made me decide to write about it, are the Bow Tie Tutorial and the It’s In The Details, both pictured above. The Bow Tie Tutorial talks you through tying a virtual bow tie using drag and swipe to follow prompts. It’s such a simple way to explain it (especially as I didn’t know how before), and it really takes advantage of the iPad’s touch screen to get the user interacting and involved with the content.

In the It’s In The Details section they’ve showcased a selection of products, nothing new there eh? The difference is that each one utilises it’s own type of interactivity. Whether it be using the accelerometer to tilt cufflinks for a better view, the touch screen to stroke fabric or (my personal favourite) the camera of the iPad to display reflections on the face of a watch. Combined with some nice, and pretty varied, videos and animations the whole app is just fun to play with, and for those with heavier wallets, quite easy to shop from.

If you’d like to have a play yourself you can download it from the app store here

Might as well, it’s free after all!

#Fashion#Interaction#iPad#iPad App#Mr Porter#net-a-porter

Tom Walsh Design - Burberry The Britain

Tom Walsh Design - Burberry The Britain

Tom Walsh Design - Burberry The Britain

Introducing The Britain (to quote the campaign..), the first multi-platform ‘experience’ I’ve designed while freelancing at Burberry! Designed as a form of micro-site within the main Burberry.com site, it’s purpose is to promote their new range of watches. With mobile and tablet visitors to the site increasing daily it was a necessity for it to work across all devices, and I think the result does that pretty well! It has a separate mobile version, with a crystallisation of content (as well as some nice mobile specific features), and a responsive version for desktop and both tablet aspects. Some nifty (or “whizzy”, as The Guardian called them…) features include a real time and real weather watch on mobile, and 360 rotatable and exploding 3D versions of the hero watch on desktop/tablet.

You can take a look and have a play here – uk.burberry.com

Designed while working for: Burberry
Creative direction: Marga Arrom Bibiloni & Chester Chipperfield

#3D#Burberry#css3#Fashion#HTML5#iPad#iPhone#Mobile site#Responsive#tablet#Tom Walsh Design

Interesting second issue of POST’s iPad magazine. I’m not totally sold on the design of the copy sections, but some nice ideas throughout. They describe it on iTunes as –

“…an extra-terrestrial exploration of the ways in which humanity has sought to transcend this invisible force that binds all of life. Pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved on the iPad, POST Gravity opens with a groundbreaking, interactive 3D fashion story powered by infra-red technology in which users can distort, bend and flip the dimensions of model Iselin Steiro.”

I especially like the interactive beauty shoot, with the twinkling galaxy reflecting off the visors, which through hiding the product from initial view built a nice intrigue before the user unveils them. Other nice features are the interactive 3D models in the ‘Inner Space’ Shoot, as well as the skydiving models in the ‘The Man Who Fell To Earth’ shoot. Overall some really nice concepts, and all pretty slickly executed. I look forward to seeing what they come up with in their next edition!

You can download it on iTunes here – itunes.apple.com/app/post-gravity/

#Fashion#Interactive Video#iPad#Video

Burberry Tailoring - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Tailoring - Tom Walsh Design

Burberry Tailoring - Tom Walsh Design

A simple update to the Burberry Tailoring experience. Comprising of a nice parallax to transition between modules and a selection of carousels to provide additional detail in the areas Burberry wanted to highlight. Designed to work on touch devices and desktop it’s a fluid, interactive experience that hopefully packs in all of the information while still looking uncluttered.

You can take a look for yourself here – uk.burberry.com/tailoring/

Designed while working for: Burberry
Creative direction: Marga Arrom Bibiloni & Chester Chipperfield

#Burberry#Fashion#iPad#Parallax#web design

Tom Walsh Design - Selfridges

I’m pleased to say my first project for Selfridges has gone live! With the brief of finding a way to integrate their growing editorial and events based content into their mobile experience it was an interesting one too. Designed to proxy the content from their ‘What’s On’ and ‘What’s In’ sections on the main Selfridges site it takes a live feed from each section and re-styles it to be a little more mobile friendly. With a simple second level navigation separating the two sections, full width imagery as a preview for the articles and a handy filtering system it makes the process of finding an event or article much less frustrating. As additional features I also added in a geo-locate to find events near you and a nifty Shop/Share footer, just in case the user quite likes anything featured.

You can check it out on the Selfridges mobile site here (if you’re on a mobile that is…) –


#HTML5#Mobile site#Selfridges#Tom Walsh Design

Spring Creative - The Ever Changing Face Of Beauty

Beautiful iPad app by Spring Creative for fashion photographer Sølve Sundsbø. Conceived by Sundsbø and styled by Marie Chaix, it plays on the old mix and match body parts concept. As you swipe through you can create your own combination of the video assets as well as moving and expanding each element, which in itself is a lot of fun to play with, but you can also tilt and the accelerometer angles the image depending on your tilt. The first time I played with it I had my sound turned off and I still enjoyed it, just for the pure aesthetic of the app, but with sound on it transforms into a different experience. The two bespoke tracks mixed by James Lavelle also react to tilt, so as you tilt it the ethereal track slows down and warps with your movement.

For the purists who think all apps need to serve a purpose I’m not sure how useful it is, I don’t think it was ever intended to be, but for something to enjoy looking at and playing with I’d recommend it to anyone. Also, it’s free. So you’ve got nothing to lose!

If you’d like to have a play you can download the app from the iTunes store here

And you can see more of Spring Creative or Sølve Sundsbø’s work here:

#App#Fashion#iPad#Spring Creative#Spring Studios#Sølve Sundsbø#Video

London College of Fashion - 2012 promo video

London College of Fashion - 2012 promo video

London College of Fashion - 2012 promo video

Nice work from Bunker Design for the London College of Fashions 2012 promo video. Using a combination of split screens, reflected shots and playfulness they’ve managed to create an engaging and entertaining promo, while still showing off the student’s collections.

You can see more of the students work/collections here – showtime.arts.ac.uk/lcf/
and you can see more of Bunkers work here bunker-london.com

#Bunker Design#LCF#Look Book#Video

All content © Copyright 2025 Tom Walsh Design – Tom Walsh Design, Graphic Design, Digital Design, London, UK