Tag : Tom Walsh Design

I’m Published!
BlogThe new book ‘Promoting Fashion’, published by Laurence King, has used my work as an example in their section discussing…

Font Focus #5: Script Serif
BlogDuring a short stint freelancing at design studio ‘Interfield’ a brief came in to design the type for a title…

Font Focus #4: Farfetch Curates
BlogFollowing on from my work re-designing the Farfetch website and designing their Farfetch Discover iPhone and iPad apps, I was…

Two new Icon sets are available on the Noun Project!
BlogI’ve just uploaded two new sets with almost 100 characters each. One, the ‘UI Elements Light’ for the more subtly…

Font Focus #3: Memory
BlogAs the first font I’d ever designed from scratch ‘Memory’ came as a steep, but invaluable learning process. Not only…

Shutter Up (Experiment #2)
BlogExperiment #2 from my new series of explorations into light and sound. This time looking at the satisfying sound of…

Recall Decay (Experiment #1)
BlogAn edited down version of a 2004 personal project into light and memory that I’m thinking of revisiting. Watch this…

Font Focus #2: Snell Roundhand-hand
BlogSnell Roundhand-hand came out of a project quite early in my career while working with a design studio called Container…

Font Focus #1: Middlecase
BlogAs part of my early exploratory work into type design I began looking at the characteristics that defined upper and…

The SS16 Style Guide is available now!
BlogDiscover the LuxDeco Style Guide – a 92-page complimentary, interactive publication created to give you all the inspiration, tips and…