Project Credits
Creative Direction
Jason Moses
Design & Art Direction
Tom Walsh (in house at Spring Studios)
Creative Realities
Project Details
Inspired by Calvin Klein’s iconic ‘empty white room’ ads, this interactive denim fit guide was the first project of this kind that I’d worked on. As it was being deployed in Macy’s NYC, and then rolled out to eighteen of their other concessions it was a pretty big deal too.
The ‘ambient’ state for the life size video display showed models at different ‘depths’ on a fluid video that played through, with hints to ‘select a fit’. Once a fit was selected you have the options of viewing the denim washes available for that fit, rotating the model 360 degrees to get a better look at the cut and shape, and to swipe left or right to other fits. All at 1:1 scale to give the user the best insight into the product.
The difficult part about this project (from my perspective) was getting the interface to be intuitive enough that someone walking through the store would pick it up immediately, but also to ensure the scale of any controls and their accessibility was right. This involved printing out tiled versions of the designs and a lot of selotape, but from what I heard it was worth it when the finished version was released.