Tag : Experiments

Goertek’s Sonic Typeface
BlogAn interesting, if not traditionally aesthetic, approach to type and signage from Kontrapunkt and Nippon Design Center. The Sonic Typeface,…

Shutter Up (Experiment #2)
BlogExperiment #2 from my new series of explorations into light and sound. This time looking at the satisfying sound of…

Recall Decay (Experiment #1)
BlogAn edited down version of a 2004 personal project into light and memory that I’m thinking of revisiting. Watch this…

Light Barrier
BlogStunning new light installation by Seoul based Kimchi & Chips (AKA Elliot Woods and Mimi Son), which creates three dimensional…

Smile TV
BlogLovely idea from RCA graduate David Hedberg. ‘Smile TV’ displays a scrambled ‘no signal’ message (remember those, before the digital…

Hex Clock
BlogNice project by Jacopo Colo. Hex Clock is a precise hexadecimal color clock which goes the whole 24 hours color…

inFORM – Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display
BlogAmazing Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically
3D Printed Record
BlogJust as we were ready to submit to a life of MP3, they find a way to print 3D vinyl from your digital copy!
Google Project Glass: a new way to see the world
BlogGoogle’s secretive Google X lab has posted a video preview of its bleeding edge goggles