Project Credits
Creative Direction & Design
Tom Walsh
Tom Walsh
Alexander Sipneuski
Video & Renders
Cactus Cubes
Project Details
I was approached by Pout, an innovative makeup and tech start-up, to re-design their e-commerce presence earlier this year. As a ‘fresh start’ project it involved not only re-designing the website from scratch but also tweaking the logo and branding and Art Directing the creation of the 3D videos and static assets to be used throughout.
The website was designed to be fully responsive, with particular attention paid to ensuring fast loading of listing pages on mobile. Being a tech and beauty company meant it needed to deliver above expectations both functionally and visually. The choice of Playfair Display as the header font (supported by GT Walsheim for body copy) covered both of these off as it not only looks feminine and premium, but its also a Google font, so is specifically optimised for screen use and load time.
For the Art Direction of the makeup photography rather than showing the ‘pods’ that sit in the phone makeup case, I opted for the ‘smear’ approach. Accentuating both the high and low lights of each shade, as well as showing the texture and composition. As transparent pngs these can be overlaid on a variety of backgrounds (currently neutral tile ‘textures’), giving the brand the opportunity to change these at a later stage if they want to freshen things up.