Tom Walsh Design - Nike, Paint with your feet

For the launch of the Nike Free Run+ 2 City Pack series Nike invited YesYesNo to develop software to enable runners to ‘dynamically paint’ using their GPS run data, and as you can see from the example above, got some pretty interesting results. Here’s how YesYesNo explain it on their website –

“During the two day workshop at Nike headquarters, we invited the participants to record their runs and then using our custom software we imported the metrics from their run, to create visuals based on the speed, consistency and unique style of each person’s run.
Using the software the participants were able to play with the mapping and adjust the composition of their run which was then outputted as a high resolution print for them to take home.”

Clever stuff..

You can see more of their projects on their website , well worth a look if this is your sort of thing.

