A lovely example of HTML5 that I’ve recently come across is the Nike ‘Better World’ micro-site. As one long stack of imagery
it glides down through various blocks of messaging with HTML layered images, and as an extra touch it also uses Fontdeck to
ensure the correct font is displayed.

The site, as the name suggests, is about Nike’s green side and promoting sport to help make the world a better place. With facts
and information like this –

If you have a torso, you’re an athlete.
In 2007, South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius ran the 100 meters in 10.91 seconds. Without any legs. The first amputee to break
the sub-11-seconds barrier. Some critics claim that the carbon fiber blades he ran on gave him an unfair advantage. Those critics
had legs.

it takes you though its various efforts to give a little back to the world, along with stories of how sport (well, mainly football) has
helped bring peace in various global situations. Finishing rather nicely with the message -You’ve scrolled 13,980 pixels toward a
Better World.
(with the number changing depending on how far down you’ve scrolled).

You can view it here

