Tom Walsh Design – F37 Type Tester

Tom Walsh Design – F37 Type Tester

Tom Walsh Design – F37 Type Tester

A great new ‘type tester’ tool by Face37 owner Rick Banks which brings traditional design tools into play before asking for any commitment. 

Designed with digital designer Francis Smith and built by developer Tom Duncalf this sets the bar at a new height. Taking the industry standard “somewhat clunky and restrictive” options of size, colour and alignment they’ve added in a toolkit giving you the flexibility of weight, leading, tracking and kerning, with Opentype features to boot. And that’s before you start dragging and dropping multiple text boxes. From having a quick play the only thing I can see that’s missing is adding a background image, but then we need to remember, this isn’t a design tool. We have Adobe and Sketch for that. 

Have a play for yourself here (performs best in Chrome):

#F37#Font Foundry#Type#Website Design
