The Bulmers iPhone App I worked on while at Exposure as part of the Bulmers ‘Experimenters Wanted’ Summer campaign. As well as having a pub finder and the usual goodies found inside brand apps it also has three experiments built in! Here’s how Exposure describe it on iTunes –
“To celebrate the launch of new Bulmers Nº17 cider, we’re running a series of experiments this summer and we want you to join in!
With this app, you can vote for the friendliest pub, help us build the world’s longest, virtual cider bench and see how many friends you can squeeze in a bottle. You’ll also find out more about our special summer events and can search for your nearest Cider Garden with our pub finder.”
And here’s a little bit about each of the built in experiments:
Experiment #7 – ‘Can we make the worlds longest cider bench?’
“We’re building the world’s longest, virtual cider bench and need your help… Just download the Bulmers app to your phone, take a picture of your friends sitting on a cider bench and upload the photo to our gallery. We’ll then connect all the photos to see if we can make the longest bench in the world! And at the end of the summer, we’ll display the latest results at the Bulmers Cider Garden v.1.
Experiment #3 – ‘How many friends can you squeeze in a bottle?’
Celebrate new Bulmers Nº17 with us! Just download the Bulmers app to your phone and capture as many of your friends inside the bottle as possible. We’ll then add your bottle to our gallery so it can be showcased in the Bulmers Cider Garden v.1 at the end of the summer…
Experiment #10 – ‘What type of Bulmers drinker are you?’
We’ve come up with a few unusual tests to expose your sociability status! Buy a bottle of any Bulmers cider and look out for the QR code printed on the label. You can either download the Bulmers app to your phone, or use your current QR reader to capture the code. Then take our latest Bulmers Cider-metric test and find out what type of Bulmers drinker you really are…
You can download it from the iTunes app store here